My UX/UI Design process

MyOnyx Device User Interface

Throughout the development of the MyOnyx device designed for muscle rehabilitation, my collaboration with product managers and physical therapists played a pivotal and multifaceted role. Our journey commenced with an in-depth exploration of user needs through comprehensive research, leading to the creation of meticulously detailed personas that encapsulated the diverse user base. This foundational understanding laid the groundwork for subsequent phases of the design process.

The iterative design approach was rooted in wireframing and prototyping, serving as dynamic tools constantly refined by invaluable user feedback. This iterative cycle allowed us to swiftly address user concerns, refine functionalities, and enhance the overall user experience. Visual design, branding considerations, and a dedicated focus on accessibility were paramount aspects, ensuring a holistic and inclusive approach to the MyOnyx device.

The collaborative synergy within the team was instrumental in seamlessly integrating diverse ideas and expertise, fostering an environment where creativity and functionality converged. This collaborative spirit not only accelerated the design process but also contributed to the development of a more robust and user-centric product.

Following the device’s launch, our commitment to user satisfaction persisted through continuous engagement with user and stakeholder feedback. This ongoing dialogue served as a guiding force for implementing improvements, further refining the MyOnyx device into an effective and user-friendly tool for muscle rehabilitation. The post-launch phase was characterized by a commitment to refinement, ensuring that the device not only met but exceeded user expectations, solidifying its position as a valuable and impactful solution in the realm of muscle rehabilitation.